power stations in china中文什么意思

发音:   用"power stations in china"造句
  • power:    n. 1.力,力量;能力;体力,精力 ...
  • station:    n. 1. 站,台,车站;航空站,机 ...
  • china:    n. 瓷器;瓷料,白瓷土,瓷质黏土。 ...
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  1. The pumped - storage power station in china is just the beginning but its development is rapid
  2. The phenomenon of heavy turbine vibration which causes vibration of the workshop or even that of the dam in some hydroelectric power stations in china is presented
  3. One of the projects he mentioned about is a coal power station in china with zero emission . however , he noted that uk is " really concerned " about china s intellectual property rights protection
  4. The main contents are as follows : in order to finish this work well , the author collected the basic parameters of water cushion in china and foreign countries , and analyzed the questions and shortcoming in the designing of cushion in domestic and abroad , and summarized the design experiment of xiao wan hydraulic power station and ertan hydraulic power station in china , finally the main controlling design parameters of baishan water cushion , that is the allow dynamic impact water pressure and unit water consumed energy rate were asserted


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